2016年上海交大安泰全球暑期项目正在火热申请中,面向世界各地、各专业的本科生、硕士生以及MBA学生开放招生,上课时间为2016年7月4日—7月22日!安泰全球暑期项目由安泰顶尖教授及知名行业领袖开设讲座,通过案例讨论、企业参访、团队活动等方式,使学生在理论知识的基础上,对中国市场的企业管理模式和运作方式有更深入的理解。Shanghai Jiao Tong University is pleased to offer the 2015 Antai Global Summer School program, scheduled on July 4 - July 22, 2016. The program is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. You will gain deep understanding of the Chinese business and culture with in-class coursework, company visits, corporateprojects, social events and cultural tours. Application is open through March 31st, 2016. For more information:www.summerschool.sjtu.edu.cn