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Gafas De Sol Oakley
Gafas De Sol Oakley
Reply #16 on : Fri January 30, 2015, 19:38:37
Thank-you for this, Kris! For those of us with MS, dairy is downright dangerous. Professor George Jelinek (he’s the incredible author of Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis) has been instrumental in getting this frightening fact out to the masses. In his words, “The map of high cow’s milk consumption in the world is essentially a map of MS in the world.” Through a process called molecular mimicry, cow’s milk protein has been shown to cross-react with myelin protein, actually triggering MS. When this former dairy-loving vegetarian read that – it was bye-bye to all dairy. No moo-moo for me since a month after my initial MS attack in Aug. of 2011. I will never touch it again in any form!
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Reply #15 on : Fri January 30, 2015, 16:22:42
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ralph loren
ralph loren
Reply #14 on : Fri January 30, 2015, 15:14:32
I think this line of discussion is so important when thinking of the ways we teach our students. While recently talking to a non-teacher friend of mine about the course, his first impulse was to say, “Not all students are extraverted!” It really resonated with me. I thought of a project I was doing that basically requires students do demonstrate themselves “out to the world”. I feel that maybe we can make a big mistake this way. I would never want to make anyone feel like you, Ryan, suffering at a cash register!
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Reply #13 on : Fri January 30, 2015, 15:10:16
Hi Eilssa, I’m sorry if I read you wrong, that’s the problem with comments, we can’t see the body language or hear the voice tone, it’s why I like face to face or the phone. Thank you for reading the Gaining of wisdom in Kingdom’s Garden it is on both Blogs, I’m sorry I gave you the wrong link for Freedomborn. Now that you have asked for God’s wisdom in Faith and received it, seek His understanding, knowledge and discernment too and you will find you will also have His logic and reasoning …We seek and we find and our understanding will no longer be partial.
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